29. Belvedere Cypress
The gold tinged branches of a Monterey cypress ensure this is the standout tree on Plymouth Hoe
Plymouth's most photographed tree must be the Monterey cypress next to its most photographed building, the 'Wedding Cake' on the Hoe. The tree was planted sometime after the second world war and has attained a considerable size in that time. Its yellow tinged foliage suggests it is the 'Lutea' cultivar, one of several ornamental varieties of the species.
Species details
Golden Monterey cypress
Cupressus macrocarpa 'Lutea'
Where to find it
Belvedere Wedding Cake, Hoe Road, Plymouth PL1 3DE
///storms.losses.improving | 50.364449, -4.1441220
Monterey cypress notes
Huge billowing Monterey cypresses are frequent around the south and west coasts of England, Wales and Ireland where they seem to be particularly well suited to the wet, mild Atlantic moderated climate. Their frequency on these islands contrasts with their rarity in California where Monterey cypresses are restricted to two small groves near the city of Monterey on the Pacific coast. A latitude much lower than that of Britain or Ireland.
Day 4
The urban tree festival is in full swing and continues until Sunday 21st May. Check out the programme here.
Plymouth has organised a city-wide celebration of urban trees in the shape of the Plymouth Urban Tree Festival, running in parallel to the National Urban Tree Festival, at which today’s highlights include a Mulberry event, an online presentation about tech enabling tree planting in south London, and an artists’ talk about Epping Forest:
9:30 Inclusive Nature Cycle with botanist Leif Bersweden. Booking essential
1:00: Webinar - The Miyawaki Method the Tree Council look at the Miyawaki, or ‘tiny forest’ method of tree planting. Free, donations welcome, booking essential
6:00: Happy Man Tree Film screening in east London about the campaign to save the 150 year old ‘Happy Man Tree’. Booking essential
Throughout the Urban Tree Festival. I’ll be posting a Daily Urban Tree which will reflect emerging themes, the places where the Festival is happening and events that are taking place.